

All the information on our online pharmacy website is published there in good faith, keeping the purpose of general knowledge in mind. We do not make any warranties regarding the completeness, accuracy, and reliability of this information. Any action you are willing to take on the information you find on our website is strictly at your own risk. We will not be held accountable or take responsibility for any losses or damages concerning the use of drugs available on our website.

From our review website, you can click on hyperlinks to visit other web pages or external sites. While we try our best to provide quality links that can lead you to trusted, helpful, and ethical websites, we have no control over the quality of content, information, and nature of these pages. These hyperlinks to other websites never imply a recommendation for all the content or information available on their page. Site owners can change the content without prior notice, and it may occur before we get the time to remove a link that may have become inappropriate.

We would like to inform you that when you exit our website, other pages or sites that you visit may have different privacy policies and terms of use, which are not under our control. Please have a close look at their Privacy policies and terms of use for your safety.

Before you get involved in any business or upload any information on the website, you need to consent to the disclaimer and agree to the terms on our website. If we make any changes update or amend the document, we will post those changes prominently over here.

We are not accountable for the reviews posted on our website. All the reviews are from the individuals who sign up with us, and we are not responsible for what they think. We work strictly to the FTC regulations on reviews.

The information available on our website is general by nature, and you should not acknowledge it as medical advice for treatment.

We do not want to force our opinion regarding the following:

  • The medical information that may or may not be available on the website; or
  • The information present on our website is correct, complete, up-to-date, and accurate, and does not intend to mislead you.

There are limits upon the extent to which we are liable for the claims mentioned in the disclaimer. The provisions made here may be enforceable and may give rise to liability on the part of the person using the disclaimer in extreme cases. However, we shall not be held responsible for any mishap that occurs from your side after following the information available on the website about a drug while buying it. Although, in case of any medical emergency, we are willing to help you in any manner possible.