Buy Oxycodone Online

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What is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is an opioid pain medication (narcotic) available in various forms with different brand names. The use of Oxycodone, just like other opioid medicines, is in the treatment of moderate to severe pain. You should use this drug’s higher strengths only if you are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Drugs like Oxycodone may cause overdose or death if someone who has not regularly taken opioids takes this medicine. Do not take the ER (extended-release) form of Oxycodone to relieve mild pain or the pain that will go away in a few days. It is not for an as-needed basis.  You can easily buy Oxycodone online or from a local pharmacy store.

Important Information

Oxycodone can stop or slow your breathing, and death may occur. Your attendant or caregiver should give you naloxone or get emergency medical help if you are hard to wake up, have blue-colored lips, or have slow breathing with long pauses. Most brands of Oxycodone are not under the recommendation for use in people under the age of 18. So please do not give it to a child younger than 11 years of age.

What to know before taking Oxycodone?

Before taking Oxycodone, check with your doctor if you are allergic to it and not take it if you are allergic. To ensure Oxycodone is safe for you, tell your medical healthcare provider if you have ever had:

  • Brain tumor, head injury, or seizures;
  • Sleep apnea, breathing problems;
  • Lung disease;
  • Mental illness;
  • Alcohol or drug addiction;
  • Thyroid disorder;
  • Kidney or lung disease;
  • Urination problems;
  • Adrenal disease (Addison’s disease); or
  • Problems with your pancreas or gallbladder

There are fair chances that you give birth to a drug-dependent baby if you use this medicine during your pregnancy. It can most probably cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in the newborn baby. Tell your medical healthcare provider if you are breastfeeding before using Oxycodone because Oxycodone can pass into breast milk and cause dizziness, drowsiness, or breathing problems in a nursing baby. Older adults, malnourished or debilitated people who have chronic breathing disorders or wasting syndrome are more likely to have the side effect of severe breathing problems. Long-term use of opioid medication like Oxycodone may affect fertility (ability to bear children) in men or women. However, it is still a question whether opioid effects on fertility are temporary or permanent.

How to take Oxycodone?

Take Oxycodone precisely as per the doctor’s prescription. Read carefully and follow all the instructions on the prescription label, medication guides, or instruction sheets. Never use Oxycodone in smaller or larger amounts or for longer than recommended. If you are feeling an increased urge to use this medication, inform your doctor. Never use Oxycodone in smaller or larger amounts or for longer than recommended. If you are feeling an increased urge to use this medication, inform your doctor. Doctors suggest taking Oxycodone ER with food. Swallow the whole capsule without crushing, chewing, breaking, opening, or dissolving it to avoid exposure to a potentially fatal overdose. If you find it hard to swallow a whole capsule, open the capsule and sprinkle it into a spoonful of applesauce or pudding. Swallow the mixture instantly without chewing. Never break or crush a pill to inhale the powder or mix it into a liquid for injection into the vein. It can lead to death. Do not suddenly stop using Oxycodone; instead, gradually decrease your dose with the help of your doctor’s instructions. Store Oxycodone away from heat and moisture at room temperature. Keep track of your drug. Be aware if anyone is misusing your medication or taking it without a prescription because Oxycodone is a drug of abuse.

Oxycodone dosage

Dosage of Oxycodone immediate-release tablets according to age are given below: Adult dosage (ages 18 to 64 years) for moderate to severe pain:

  • Initial dose- If you never had treatment with opioid medications earlier, the starting dose will range from 5mg to 10mg every 4-6 hours as per your need.
  • Dosage increases- Your body’s response to the initial dosage will decide what further dosage is suitable for you.

Senior dosage (for 65 years and older) for moderate to severe pain:

  • Your medical healthcare provider may start you on a lower dosage or a different dosing schedule. It can help in keeping levels of this medicine from building up too much in the body.

Oxycodone extended-release tablets dosage:

Adult dosage (ages 18 to 64 years) for moderate to severe pain:

  • Initial dose: If you never had treatment with opioid medications earlier, the starting dose will be 10 mg every 12 hours.
  • Dosage increases: Your body’s response to the initial dose will decide what further dosage is suitable for you.

Senior dosage (for 65 years and older) for moderate to severe pain:

  • The doctor may start you on a lower dosage or a different dosing schedule. It can help in keeping levels of this medicine from building up too much in the body.


In case of an overdose to Oxycodone, seek immediate medical help or call the Poison helpline at 1-800-222-1222.

What to avoid while using Oxycodone?

If you are taking a similar opioid medicine and tolerate it, you should avoid using it. In case of usage of MAO inhibitors in the past 14 days, don’t use this medicine. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, and tranylcypromine. In addition, don’t use the medicine if you have received a methylene blue injection. Also, avoid medication errors. Check the label of the drug to get the correct form and strength before buying it. Avoid consumption of alcohol or alcoholic beverages because it may cause dangerous side effects or death. Avoid driving any vehicle or operating heavy machinery until you know this medicine’s impact on you. Severe drowsiness or dizziness can cause accidental falls or severe injuries.

Oxycodone side effects

Oxycodone can make you drowsy. It is more likely to occur when you start taking Oxycodone or when there is a change in your dosage. Do not drive, perform any activity, or use heavy machinery until you know the effect of this medicine on you. Oxycodone can cause other side effects, among which the most common ones for adults are:

  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness or lack of energy
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Severe itching
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Itching of the skin
  • Trouble falling or staying asleep.

The less severe side effects in children are:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation

If these common side effects are mild, they may go away within a couple of weeks. If they are more severe or persist for a prolonged time, consult any medical healthcare providers. Immediately inform your medical healthcare provider if you have severe side effects or call 911 if you feel like you have life-threatening withdrawal symptoms or think you have a medical emergency.

What drugs can interact with Oxycodone?

Various drugs can interact with Oxycodone and make you feel drowsy. It includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and vitamins. For further information regarding drug interaction with Oxycodone, consult your medical healthcare provider.