ADHD Myths and Facts

All about ADHD and its Myths and Facts

What is ADHD?

The full form of ADHD is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a type of medical condition that affects an individual’s neurological development starting from their childhood. An individual with this disorder may find it challenging to govern their impulsive actions and concentrate on their work. These children may behave over actively. As per medical professionals, the symptoms of ADHD develop at an early stage of childhood and can last long in adulthood. ADHD medications can not cure this disorder; instead of that, medicines can only manage it so that an individual suffering from this can cope up with ADHD.

Symptoms of ADHD

Mental Health professionals can consider the following symptoms to conclude whether an individual has ADHD or not.

  • Forgetful in daily life activities, such as chores, errands, returning calls, and keeping appointments
  • Have problem organizing the tasks and activities, such as doing tasks in sequence, keeping materials and belongings in order, managing time, keeping work organized, and meeting deadlines
  • Overlooks or forgets details, makes careless mistakes at work, schoolwork, or performing other activities.
  • Fails to follow through on instructions, fails to finish schoolwork, daily life chores, or duties in the workplace, or starts the tasks but quickly loses focus and gets easily distracted.
  • Become easily distracted by unnecessary thoughts or stimuli
  • Blurts out an answer before the question ends.
  • Find it difficult to wait, such as while waiting in line.
  • Unable to play or to do activities quietly.
  • Not able to stay seated
  • Talks too much
  • Interrupts or intrudes on other people.
  • Always “on the go.”
  • Avoid or dislike tasks that require a complete mental effort, such as in the workplace, preparing reports, completing forms, or reviewing lengthy papers.
  • Have a problem putting attention in tasks or play, including conversations, lectures, or lengthy reading.
  • Seems to not listing properly
  • Losing necessary things useful for tasks or activities, such as school supplies, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, and cell phones

Treatments for ADHD

As mentioned in the above paragraphs, a permanent ADHD treatment is not available yet, but ADHD medications can help patients to deal with this adverse medical condition. Medical professionals can use the following technique to manage ADHD symptoms in an individual.

  • Doctors can use medications to control the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, learning power, and work performance.
  • Doctors can use Therapy as an add-on treatment for ADHD.
  • Experts provide training and Education to the person with ADHD or a person connected to the individual having ADHD, which includes the following:
  1. Support groups
  2. Stress management technique
  3. Parenting skill training
  4. A doctor may use a combination of all treatments mentioned above to help ADHD affected person.

Facts regarding ADHD

The following are some ADHD facts and myths about it:

  • Generally, people do not consider ADHD disorder a medical condition, which is a myth as mental health experts regard it as a mental disorder that demands special attention. The person suffering from this disorder does not choose to behave abnormally; the person automatically reflects it.
  • Usually, parents start blaming themselves for the poor condition of their child. When their child gets diagnosed with this disorder, they start believing that it is because of their wrong upbringing techniques, which may not be correct. However, parents’ supporting or neglecting behavior can improve the situation or make the situation even worse.
  • Yes, once a person gets affected by ADHD, one will have to deal with it throughout life. Still, it is also true that proper medications, emotional and mental support from loved ones, Therapy, and awareness can control it.
  • People with ADHD are often mistreated by listening to offensive words such as lazy, dumb, useless, etc. But the fact is ADHD is nothing to do with the intellectual ability of a person. Even some of the people with a high intelligent quotient have this disorder.
  • ADHD medication intake will make a person more drugged, which, of course, is a myth. A properly adjusted dose of medicines will help a person to improve their conditions and control their impulsive behavior.
  • Usually, people think that Children and adults with this disorder are using ADHD as an excuse for their hyperactive and impulsive behavior, but ADHD is a mental disability. Children have to deal with these real disorder symptoms in their daily life.
  • Some people think that children or adults affected by ADHD can move on after some time in their later stages of life, but the thing is that with time, the situation gets even worse.
  • An illogical myth about ADHD is that it is a gender-specific disorder and affects boys only, but that’s not true. However, there are more numbers of boys that have ADHD as compared to girls. The symptoms of the disorder may differ in both. Boys turn out to be more impulsive and hyperactive while girls tend to be more daydreamy.

With many researchers and mental health professionals, we have learned many facts about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, still, many veils are there to remove and learn new facts about this disorder.

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